Newton Design has applied its design experience to Battlefield Effects Simulators, designing and producing the Badger Mk I and Mk II simulated firearms under subcontract. The Badger is the simulated firearm of choice for the U.S. Marine Corps, and is capable of accurately reproducing the rate-of-fire (continuous fire, burst fire, or semi-auto), sound signature, and muzzle flash of the AK-47. The Badger is safe, durable, and reliable, all made possible by an elegantly simple operating mechanism, and is built to withstand harsh outdoor training range environments. The hardwired remote control allows operation in close proximity, while the wireless remote control can operate several different units at ranges of up to 500 yards. Furthermore, multiple Badgers can be networked together to achieve a “group firing” effect. Utilizing our prototyping talents, these desirable characteristics can be incorporated into virtually any type of BES (i.e. simulated IED, dust/smoke generator) required by the customer.
Urban areas and populations grew significantly during the late twentieth century. The increased population and accelerated growth of cities have made the problems of combat in built-up areas an urgent requirement for military forces. Newton Design has the capability to design and manufacture customized MOUT training structures to meet this critical need. High-grade commercial storage units made of industrial steel are utilized as the basis for the training structures, as they are rugged, highly adaptable, and portable. Units can be stacked to simulate multi-story buildings, and modified to simulate virtually any type of urban structure. Breachable doors and windows, staircases, lighting, and other mock structures (e.g., gas pumps, etc.) provide additional realism and functionality.